We provide all residents of Sanilac County fingerprinting services for licensing or job-related activities at our Main Office located at 65 N. Elk Street in Sandusky. You must provide a valid Michigan Driver's License or Michigan State ID Card with your current Sanilac County address indicated on the card. County and/or State fees will be assessed for this service. Currently, we are only accepting Debit/Credit Card Payments. Payment is required at the time of scheduling.
Please keep in mind that fingerprinting is available only by appointment at this time. As we try to adhere to appointment times there may be a wait due to fulfillment of other statutory fingerprinting reasons.
Fee Schedule for Fingerprinting:
*** Court Ordered Fingerprints DO NOT require an appointment. Follow the instructions on the paperwork received from the court. All COVID-19 procedures must be followed.***
Effective: June 8, 2020
Fingerprinting is currently available by Appointment Only. To Schedule an Appointment click the below link.