The primary responsibility of the Uniform Services Division is to provide the highest quality of law enforcement services to the citizens and visitors of Sanilac County.
The Uniform Services Division is comprised of 1 Lieutenant, 6 Sergeants, and 14 Deputies. We provide 24/7 law enforcement services to the community, responding to over 20,000 calls for service annually. The Uniform Services Division staff in addition to volunteers also provide supplemental specialized services such as Traffic Crash Investigation, Dive/Rescue, Marine, Traffic Enforcement, K-9, Aero, Search & Rescue and more. The Detective Bureau, Records Bureau, Marine Division and Special Units are part of the Uniform Services Division however have their own assigned staff and responsibilities.
Division Administration
Lieutenant Ronald Edington Direct Line: (810) 648-5631
Division Sergeants
Sergeant Shelly Park Direct Line: (810) 648-5644
Sergeant Megan Loding Direct Line: (810) 648-5641
Sergeant Todd Laming Direct Line: (810) 648-5640
Sergeant Jordan Katt Direct Line: (810) 648-5633
Drug Task Force:
Lieutenant Micheal Moore Direct line: (810) 648-4580
Sergeant Matthew Armstrong Direct Line: (810) 648-4580
The Village of Port Sanilac in partnership with the Sheriff's Office is proud to provide contractual law enforcement services to the Village on a regular basis.
The Sanilac County Road Commission in partnership with the Sheriff's Office provides one full-time Weighmaster Deputy position. The Deputy is responsible for providing Motor Carrier/Weight Enforcement activities throughout Sanilac County.
Worth Township in partnership with the Sheriff's Office provides contractual law enforcement services to the Township consisting of one full-time Deputy and supplemental part-time hours.
Elk Township in partnership with the Sheriff's Office provides law enforcement services on a contractual need basis to assist in the enforcement of Township Ordinances.
Lexington Township in partnership with the Sheriff's Office provides law enforcement services on a contractual basis to assist in the enforcement of Township Ordinances.
Delaware Township in partnership with the Sheriff's Office provides law enforcement services on a contractual basis to assist in the enforcement of Township Ordinances.